In 1986, the Agricultural Information Agency (now known as The Agricultural Information Service) under the Ministry of Agriculture was divided and the "Department of Fisheries and Livestock Information" was created with 87 posts under the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock. The Department of Fisheries and Livestock Information serves as a media outlet for the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock. The department has been working relentlessly to bring various achievements, innovations and achievements of the fisheries and livestock sectors to the people. Fisheries and livestock are a fast growing sector. This sector is one of the priority sectors of the present government. This sector has been playing an indelible role in food security, meeting the nutritional needs of the growing population of the country, creating employment and earning foreign exchange. The role of the Department of Fisheries and Livestock Information is significant in this regard. The main objective of this office is to motivate and create awareness among the people, including the successful effective transfer of information and technology (technologies) related to fisheries and livestock for the socio-economic development of the concerned population, including the production of the highest sustainable of fisheries and livestock, ensuring food security. In addition, the department has been highlighting various development activities of the fisheries and livestock sector, expansion of sustainable technology and the achievements of research in order to implement the certificate of change of days. Since its inception, the department has been dedicated to collecting, preserving, evaluating, analyzing modern information and technology and accordingly taking supportive activities in poverty alleviation through the expansion of information technology, and displaying/extension materials containing information on fisheries and livestock development and ensuring supply services.
To encourage a large number of people to adopt new techniques and technologies related to fisheries and livestock development and to create awareness, to inform the vast population of the country about modern fish farming, poultry farming and livestock rearing technology, and disseminate information related to advanced techniques and technology in electronic and print media.
In order to create awareness about modern technology among the concerned communities for the development of fisheries and livestock and to motivate them, to ensure the delivery of advanced techniques and information related to modern technology with the help of various media, the department should be transformed into a 'Fisheries and Livestock Information Repository' and appropriate measures should be taken by adopting modern techniques of information flow.